Capital in the 21 st century, by Thomas Piketty, has become a best-seller, which is somewhat surprising for such a thick and highly technical book. It might be due partly to the title of the book, which refers to the famous reference work of Karl Marx. Is the book by Thomas Piketty comparable in any way? The answer seems clearly no. Whereas Karl Marx was relying upon a fundamental analysis of the society of this time, the method used by Thomas Piketty relies upon statistics. It is of course always better to use data, but at the same time statistics are always partial and cannot be used with full confidence. The rise of unequalities especially in Western countries has been already well established and cannot be considered as anything new. Therefore, the important question is to understand what is the fundamental reason for this situation. To relate this trend to the rent provided by the capital seems a very short explanation. It might be more instructive to understand how the neoliberal rules have contributed to create this situation, how financial capitalism has replaced the entrepreneurial capitalism and how speculation has become the best way to make a quick fortune. The solution provided by Thomas Piketty for limiting unequalities results from his approach. Rather than remedying the causes, he prefers to deal with the effects. If nothing is done concerning the causes, the main consequences of the progressive tax on capital he proposes would be probably a further enrichment of tax havens and a further growth of the grey economy.
Le capital au XXIe siècle de Thomas Piketty est devenu un best-seller, ce qui peut paraître surprenant pour un ouvrage aussi difficile à lire, du fait de sa longueur et de son caractère technique. On peut s'interroger sur les raisons, qui tiennent sans doute aux conditions de lancement de l'ouvrage et à son titre, qui reprend astucieusement le titre de l'ouvrage célèbre de Karl Marx, replacé au XXIe siècle.
Pour autant, avons-nous affaire à une nouvelle réflexion sur l'économie et le capitalisme, aussi fondamentale que l'œuvre de son illustre prédécesseur? A cette question, il est assez facile de répondre spontanément non. Evoquer la montée des inégalités n'a rien de nouveau et beaucoup l'ont fait avant lui. Il ne s'agit donc pas de revenir sur ce constat, mais plutôt de se pencher sur le fond et sur la méthode suivie. Thomas Piketty s'appuie essentiellement sur des statistiques. Certes, il est intéressant de tenir compte de données, plutôt que de se lancer sur de simples supputations.