Ce blog rassemble des informations et des réflexions sur l'avenir qui nous attend.

This blog presents informations and views about the future.

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mercredi 26 décembre 2012

L'avenir de l'économie / The future of the economy

TThe idea that the economy progresses through a self-organisation process is now quite widespread. Friedrich von Hayek has sintroduced the concept of a "spontaneous" order,  which he considers as the only appropriate in the case of complex systems. In his viw, any political decision at the level of the state is doomed to be unappropriate. His ideas has been followed and often oversimplified by Milton Friedman and the representatives of the "school of Chicago". They form the basis for the neoliberal system, which governx presently the world Market.  How can such a system preserve the general interest, the environment or human solidarity. In his book "L'avenir de l'économie", Jean-Pierre Dupuy introduces the idea that within a self-organised system, self-transcendant landmarks might emerge. Although, it is possible to build complexity upon multiple interactions, it seems much more difficult to imagine how moral values could be introduced in such a way. Although self-organisation is indeed the best way to deal with everyday issues , when big issues, such as climate chane, are at stake, it is most dangerous to rely upon self-organisation or self-transcendance. It is clearly the reponsability of political leaders, and also all citizens, to set at the center of the economy values which are needed for preserving the general interest, the environment or human solidarity.

L’idée que la société progresse par « auto-organisation» est maintenant largement répandue. Elle constitue le point de départ de la théorie des systèmes sociaux du sociologue allemand Niklas Luhmann[1]. Pour Niklas Luhmann, une telle capacité d’auto-organisation de la société est liée avant tout à ses facultés de communication à travers un langage. L’ordre global d’un système auto-organisé s’établit spontanément à partir des interactions entre les différents éléments, individus ou organisations, qui le constituent. Ainsi, les structures complexes du monde vivant relèvent d’un processus d’évolution auto-organisé, à travers le mécanisme de sélection naturelle décrit par Darwin.