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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est society; empathie. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est society; empathie. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 11 mars 2015

La société des écrans / The society of screens

Numerical technologies connect presently practically all the inhabitants of the planet. At each moment, it has become feasible to keep informed about what happens in any place of the world. Jeremy Rifkin considers that it is the sign that we are entering in a new era, "the civilization of empathy". According to Jeremy Rifkin, by connecting most people of the planet, Internet facilitates the development of an empathic relationship between all of them. One of the consequences he foresees, is the development of what he calls a distributed capitalism, and the growing use of "peer to peer" transactions.
   Although such an evolution is highly desirable, it is not obvious that we are really moving that way. The main consequence of Internet has been the development of financial activities at a global scale, which are operated in a way which has nothing to do with empathy. We are creating a society of screens, through which most transactions are operated now. Such a situation extends even to areas such as war, blurring the distinction between  videogames and reality, in a most disturbin way. Furthermore screen pictures can be manipulated, giving a wrong perception of reality. As shown by the italian linguist Raffaele Simone, Internet culture is based upon direct and most often emotional emotions, rather upon rational thinking. Since, the concept of empathy is somewhat dangerous as hatred is its counterpart. Still, the overall picture is more complex as the Internet helps also to gather a diversity of viewpoints and appears as the main area of freedom.

Les technologies numériques relient à présent pratiquement l’ensemble des habitants de la planète. à chaque instant, il est possible de s’informer sur tout ce qui se passe dans le monde. Il est également devenu beaucoup plus facile de voyager et de rejoindre n’importe quelle autre région. Les différences dans les modes de vie tendent à s’estomper. Les mêmes produits et les mêmes marques sont utilisés partout. Jeremy Rifkin n’hésite pas à voir dans cette évolution l’avènement d’une « civilisation de l’empathie ».   
   D’après Jeremy Rifkin, en connectant chaque personne à une très large collectivité, l’Internet favorise le développement des relations empathiques entre l’ensemble des habitants de la Terre. Cette évolution conduirait également, selon lui,  à une nouvelle forme de capitalisme, qu’il qualifie de « capitalisme distribué ». Celui-ci verrait le triomphe des transactions « peer to peer » entre individus, favorisant un développement du lien social.