Our civilization, and more specially the western civilization around the United-States, has been often compared to the Roman Empire. This Empire is not bounded by borders and its power extends worldwide through the globalization, with language, media, science and technology. Still, it is threatened and challenged. Even democracy and liberty which were emblematic of this Empire seem in danger. Economic tensions rise everyday end therefore the decline and the fall of the Empire cannot be excluded any more. If it happens, the situation might become very similar to what happened to the Roman Empire. The major turbulences created by such an event might open a "dark age", during which complexity and knowledge would recede. New feodalities would emerge and create some restricted safe areas, surrounded by miserable and dangerous territorities. Still, new vertical values might emerge, similar to those which had been instaured by christianity during the middle-age, when money was despised and honour was the supreme value, which might help to build a new promising era. It is perhaps the only way to achieve such a transformation of values. Still, the risks involved are such, that it seems much preferable to anticipate the dangers ahead, in order to avoid such a fracture.
Notre civilisation et plus particulièrement celle qui peut être qualifiée de façon quelque peu schématique comme la « civilisation occidentale », a été souvent comparée à l’Empire romain. Les États-Unis sont au centre de ce nouvel Empire, comme Rome l’était au centre du monde ancien. Cet Empire, qui n’est pas délimité par des frontières, englobe la totalité du monde [1]. La mondialisation est un moyen d’étendre son pouvoir et d’imposer sa logique. Sa domination est assurée par la puissance des armes, mais aussi au moyen du soft power de la langue, des média, de la science et de la technique [2].