The book written by the ecologist Isabelle Delannoy about "The symbiotic economy", aims to propose an economy allowing human beings to live no more as parasites using the resources of the planet until their extinction, but in symbiosis with the environment. Natural ecosystems function in a sustainable way, as they organize a permanent recycling of all the elements that serve the living organisms. They can do this by capturing solar energy through photosynthesis. In a symbiotic economy human activities are integrated into the functioning of natural ecosystems. Products and objects are designed to facilitate their recycling and minimize their impact on the environment throughout their life, from cradle to cradle, that is from the design of equipment to the recycling of its components. Nature finds its place, including in the city. Vegetable gardens and green spaces restore the contact between towns people and nature. The urban environment is designed to respect the beauty of natural landscapes and to eliminate pollution, thus preserving the health of the inhabitants and their psychological balance. The ecological transition is also a way for cities or regions hit by the end of an industrial activity to find a future. The symbiotic economy is based on the symbiosis between human intelligence, the power of natural ecosystems and technological tools. By finding the right balance between the three, it is possible to produce without depleting resources, but regenerating them. It uses many techniques and research highlighted in recent years: permaculture, circular economy, economy of functionality, peer-to-peer sharing, solidarity economy, complementary currencies. It aims to promote lifestyles compatible with the preservation of the environment, autonomous cities in resources, energy and water, town agriculture, bicycle motorways, agriculture and local manufactures . The routes thus described are interesting to explore and deserve to be continued. It would be dangerous, however, to imagine that solutions are at hand and that we now have the means to secure the future of the planet. "Green" technologies themselves pose many resource problems. The implementation of new economic paths contradicts the logic of the current globalization which favors social and environmental dumping. Only a profound transformation of mentalities and the organization of world globalization can solve the many problems facing humanity.

Les voies ainsi décrites sont intéressantes à explorer et méritent d'être poursuivies. Il serait toutefois dangereux d'imaginer que les solutions sont à portée de main et que nous disposons dès à présent des moyens pour assurer l'avenir de la planète. Les technologies "vertes" posent elles-mêmes de nombreux problèmes de ressources. La mise en oeuvre de nouvelles voies économiques entre en contradiction avec la logique de la globalisation actuelle qui favorise le moins-disant, dans le domaine économique, mais aussi social. Seule une transformation profonde des mentalités et de l'organisation de la globalisation mondial peut permettre de résoudre les multiples problèmes auxquels est confrontée l'humanité.