The philosopher Timothy Morton introduced the concept of "hyperobjects". Hyperobjects are entities that are at a scale of space and time so vast that they become difficult to apprehend for the human brain. Obviously cosmic objects such as galaxies or just black holes are part of it. Geological phenomena that occur over millions of years are also included. Timothy Morton describes them with a set of very expressive and pictorial terms. They would be viscous and sticky, thus opposing any attempt at deformation, undulating in space and time, because of their extension prevents from describing them in a Cartesian space, nonlocal and organized as interdependent networks. According to Timothy Morton, the concept of hyperobject is essential to apprehend ecological phenomena. Thus global warming is a hyperobject. Designing hyper-objects transforms our view of the world and according to Timothy Morton, postmodern art that has abandoned the classical subject-object relationship has entered the era of hyperobjects, which encompasses the viewer, rather than being stared at by him. In this sense, these new conceptions of art oriented towards hyper-objects would be the first manifestations of a truly ecological art, insofar as the spectator is only a component of the work of art, just like the human being is only a component of the natural ecosystem. Surprisingly enough, Timothy Morton makes little difference between the natural hyperobjects that have been present since the dawn of time and the hyperobjects that result from human intervention. In fact, we can easily see that globalization has produced a multitude of hyperobjects. All the planetary phenomena related to the impact of human activities that led to speak of the new era of the Anthropocene, including global warming, are part of it. Internet, energy networks and financial networks are also hyperobjects. As these hyperobjects are very difficult to conceive even for the trained brain of an expert, one can wonder if humanity will be able to control them. They impose a heavy and diffuse threat, which generates a thought of the end of the world. As Timothy Morton points out, the difficulty of mastering them breeds weakness and hypocrisy. What is happening in the field of the environment, and the difficulty of reaching a solution in the field of global warming is not reassuring.

De manière un peu surprenante, Timothy Morton fait assez peu la différence entre les hyperobjets naturels présents depuis la nuit des temps et les hyperobjets qui résultent de l'intervention humaine. En fait, on peut constater facilement que la globalisation a fabriqué une multitude d’hyperobjets. Tous les phénomènes planétaires liés à l'impact des activités humaines qui ont conduit à parler d'une ère de l'anthropocène, parmi lesquels le réchauffement climatique, en font partie. Internet, les réseaux énergétiques et les réseaux financiers sont également des hyperobjets. Comme ces hyperobjets sont très difficiles à concevoir même pour le cerveau entraîné d'un expert, on peut se demander si ces hyper-objets et leur impact potentiel vont pouvoir être maîtrisés. Ils font peser sur l'humanité une menace, lourde et diffuse, qui génère une pensée de fin du monde. Comme l'indique Timothy Morton, la difficulté de les maîtriser engendre faiblesse et hypocrisie. Ce qui se passe dans le domaine de l'environnement, et la difficulté de parvenir à une solution dans le domaine du réchauffement climatique n'est pas rassurant.
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